I am just about frozen to death. It warmed up a little bit though. Then we had freezing rain again last night. We are all fine though and it wasn't icy this morning so we got to go e-mail like normal. It's about 20 degrees outside with a windchill of -8.
Our investigators are doing well. The lawyer guy is really awesome. He is keeping his commitments and should hopefully receive his answer soon.
Zone conference was good. They talked about our purpose, studying, and then we did some zone goals stuff. They did some activities and all. It was a good time.
Sunday was good. Church like normal. We had to get there early and smash all the ice in the parking lot so people could get in safer. We had 2 extra meetings yesterday beyond normal Sunday services. PEC and Branch Council. They didn't have a celebration for Mardi Gras. In fact, no one even brought it up. We did hear a lot for Ash Wednesday though. It's a lot bigger over here.
Missionary life is always exciting. Things come up all the time.
This week was pretty boring actually. We were able to get out on Saturday finally after the roads melted off. We got a bit of work done then. This morning we had transfer calls though. I am FINALLY staying in an area for more than one transfer again. Elder Gollaher is leaving me though. So I will find out on Wednesday who I get. Not a lot else to report. kloveyoubye.
Love, Elder Udy
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