Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 24, 2015

Hi Family,

The lady that has been investigating for 3 years just needed a lot of time and care and the right support. She has been coming to church fairly regularly for that whole time. Just as much as any normal member basically. The branch is usually pretty supportive to the converts. We actually have a lot of converts in the branch. I would say at least half, but probably more. 

We do have chiggers down here. Luckily I haven't experienced them yet, and from what I have seen from others, I don't want to. 

We didn't have any particularly exceptional spiritual experiences. Just normal missionary ones this week. We went on exchanges with Elder Carman. That was fun. He came and did the baptismal interview for us. He is a great guy. We are going on exchanges again this week, but I will go with Elder Scott instead of Elder Carman so he can work with my companion, so that should be good. That's all for this week. kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy

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