Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 27, 2015

Hi Family,

We have to clean our building this week as you did. It's pretty small here. It doesn't need to be to big though. We had a pretty standard week. taught some people and stuff. Went on exchanges with Elder Kunz. That's all for this week! kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy

P.S. A picture was added on July 6th and July 13th post.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 20, 2015

Hi Family,

The humidity is really bad right now. August is the hottest month over here, and its also really wet, so it is just horribly humid and it's only going to get worse probably.

There are two sets of elders for now. The other set is in a trio though. Elder Williams has been out for about 22 months. He came out the transfer before me. It's weird that we are both so old in the mission. Especially since 2 of the other missionaries in the other set are both going home this transfer. They came out the transfer before Elder Williams. He had already been here for four and a half months before I got here.

I am studying the temple and saving ordinances right now. I am also reading through the Doctrine and Covenants since I finished the Book of Mormon again.

Our week was alright. Nothing super exciting. Just work as usual. We should be having a couple more baptisms before the end of August, so that will be good. That's all for this week. kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 13, 2015

Hi Family,

I have spent most of my mission in Tennessee. I like it better than Arkansas though, so it's okay. The branch here in Trenton is an alright size. About 60-70 active a week. Almost the same size as Dyersburg. We don't really have any more responsibilities than before. Jackson is a ward. It is fairly large. 
They do have luaus in Fiji. It was really fun on the 4th of July. 
Our baptism went well and he was confirmed yesterday. He is very solid and committed to the gospel. 
Yeah. They read the letter about same-sex marriage over here. It's crazy that that has happened. Tennessee is mostly conservative. The humidity has been pretty bad this week, which was our bike week, but it's over now. We should be able to have some good weather now. That's pretty much all for this week. kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy

P.S. Following is a picture of Elder Williams  and Elder Udy with Dalton at his baptism.

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015

Hi family,

That's cool you met a guy from Jackson on your trip to San Diego. I am e-mailing from there right now actually. I am serving just next door to it in Trenton/Humboldt Tennessee. I didn't move too far. I am with Elder Williams. He is from Logan Utah. I like him a lot, we have known each other a little bit before. We are serving in a branch. It is a pretty good little branch. Not to small. We e-mail in Jackson usually because they have a family history center.

We have a car until Wednesday. We go on back to bikes for a week then. We will have our car after that though.

We had an Elders Luau for the fourth of July! It was pretty awesome. President Wakolo was there and set it up for us so we could have an authentic luau. We even had a pig roast in a fire pit. It was pretty good, except for the rain. Food was good and we had some fun games and stuff. I have some cool pictures from it.

We should be having a baptism this week as well. Hopefully it goes through. That's all for this week. kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy

P.S. The following is a picture of the pit for the pig.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 29, 2015

Hi Family,

I didn't know you were going to one of dads boring conferences this week. Oh well. I remember we used to get to go and stay with Grandma and Grandpa on those weeks! It was always fun!
When we have big meetings the relief society sisters feed us. It's always really nice. I'm sure the missionaries over there really appreciated it. 
This week was pretty bland. One of the missionaries I served with (Elder Mulvey) goes home on Tuesday so he has been getting ready for that. It's weird to think I will be doing that before too long. 
We had transfer calls this morning and I am being transferred out of Dyersburg (again). I don't know where to yet, but it will be where I am needed I am sure. I have loved being in Dyersburg, and I am sad to go, but I agree that it is probably time. That's all for this week pretty much. kloveyoubye.

Love, Elder Udy